Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Elevate Financial Decision-Making
Move beyond transactional financial management to proactive operations that enhance decision making, protect revenue, mitigate risks, and reduce costs.
Monitor global financial operations in real time, predict future outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to drive business agility and growth. Do business anywhere, anytime with an intuitive user-interface personalized for roles and preferences.

What can D365 Finance do for you?
Provide a complete view of your company’s financial situation all from one application. Monitor cash flow, manage inventory, and invoice customers. Keep finance teams up to date on account schedules, budgets, sales orders, and vendor management.
Boost employee productivity and accuracy by integrating financials into core business process workflows to eliminate tedious and time-consuming tasks and maximize financial performance.
Connect systems and tools with recommendations and insights across Office, Teams, and the Power Platform to provide data visualization and powerful reporting to enhance the health of the organization.

General Ledger
Analyze your finances the way you want. Use a flexible chart of accounts to allocate one or more accounts or account and dimension combinations based on allocation rules.
Consolidate financial results for several subsidiary legal entities into results for a single, consolidated organization. Use periodic and recurring journals to eliminate repetitive entries.

Accounts Payable
Manage and control vendor groups, invoices and payments using automated business process workflows that integrate procurement, receipt of goods, and finance functions to pay and settle invoices.
Eliminate paper and reduce manual work, costs, and time to process and settle invoices.

Use budget wizards to create budget plans and worksheet templates for viewing in Microsoft Excel. Automatically route budget plans with worksheets, justifications, and attachments for review and approval.
Use budget control to limit transactions based on pre-defined rules. Associate budget planning processes with budget cycles, ledgers, and organization hierarchies.

Accounts Receivable
Streamline Accounts Receivable collections and management. Configure and customize your customer records, and credit and payment information.
Create invoices with Office365 templates that can be easily modified to adapt to changing business requirements.

Cash and Bank Management
Maintain legal entities’ bank accounts and related financial documents, including deposit slips, checks, bills of exchange, and promissory notes. Simplify your ability to reconcile bank statements with financial management transactions in periodic processing.
Import industry-wide accepted bank statement formats with rules defined to match by either amounts and/or dates.

Financial Reporting​
Automate reporting through a rule-based event handling process that enables your business to comply with accounting standards and accurately calculate and report your financial statements.
Use dozens of out-of-the-box financial report templates and customize them as your department requires.
...and MUCH more!
Fixed Assets
Track acquisition information for fixed assets and manage depreciation and disposal in accordance with international accounting standards.
Expense Management
Create integrated workflows to store payment method information, import credit card transactions, and track the expenses that employees incur. Define expense policies and automate the reimbursement of travel expenses.
Electronic Reporting
Configure, modify, and manage the formats for incoming and outgoing documents to exchange information with government bodies, banks, and other parties.
Asset Leasing
Adapt and ensure compliance with FASB and IFRS 16 accounting regulations. Reduce manual errors and save time through automatic lease status updates, right of use assets, wholistic monitoring and analytics, and calculations of net present value, lease interest, and future cash payments.
Cost Accounting
Analyze data for cost objects, such as cost centers. Allocate costs and other overheads using different measures, such as fixed percentage, or revenue basis, or across companies as intercompany transactions.